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Why Document Management is the Unsung Hero of Efficient IP Management
With IP management systems utilizing increasingly advanced technology, there is so much more that can be organized in one system. However, when choosing the right IPMS for your organization, it's important to get the fundamentals of document management right. Discover the handy features in our Equinox IP management software that enable clients to manage documents effectively.
As firms wave a final farewell to the paper and spreadsheet systems of the past, it can be tricky to choose the right web-based IP management system (IPMS). Your IPMS must be innovative so that it helps to future-proof your organization; however, it also needs to get the fundamental elements right—and document management is one of these crucial elements.
IP professionals rely on document management tools every single working day, so the potential benefits of added efficiencies can not be understated.
After years of experience in IP management, you’ve likely found ways to work around the restrictions in your current tools. But what if it was possible to introduce the improvements you need?
Our Equinox IP Management Software contains many handy features that make document management as smooth as possible for our users.

- Customizable Folder Systems
Starting with the basics, you can organize your documents using handy folder systems, changing the titles of your folders to suit your way of working. For example, you could use incoming and outgoing folders for at-a-glance clarity, organize by file type, or even change the titles to match the language your team uses on a case.
- Make Changes to Documents Directly
From within your chosen Equinox IP Management Software, you can view, edit, update, and replace document files. Any changes you make are logged for full visibility and you can revert to previous versions if needed.
- Find the Documents You Need
Another aspect of effective document management is the ability to find the files you need with ease. Using the global search bar, you can quickly find a specific document from anywhere in your system. Alternatively, you can head to the relevant case and search for a document there.
With so much client correspondence organized by email, your chosen IPMS must be able to simplify and centralize email filing. Our Equinox IP Management Software includes numerous options for saving emails in your system.
- Mailbox Integrations
Our most popular tools are the mailbox integrations. These allow you to “save to matter” or, in other words, pick and choose what should be sent to a case. Using the case number, your emails are directed to the relevant case in the IPMS, meaning anytime you send or receive an email related to a case, it’s automatically stored alongside all other case documentation, saving you time and minimizing the likelihood of an email not being added to your records.
- Auto-Forward Emails
As an alternative to the mailbox integrations, you can set up your emails to automatically forward to your Equinox IPMS. Or, if you prefer, you can individually select which correspondence needs to be sent to your system.
- Auto-Save Invoices
Another popular option is to set up an auto-save for invoicing so that a copy of each invoice is saved to the case when it’s sent to a client.
- Manual Options
There are always manual options available too. Use the simple “drag and drop” method, or upload files to your Equinox IPMS from your file explorer.
- Allocate Documents
Our Equinox IP Management Software makes working collaboratively with your team simple. You can allocate case documents for the attention of a colleague when it’s ready for them to process. They’ll be automatically informed that the document is for their attention and see it as a task on their dashboard. Or, if you want someone simply to be made aware of a document, you can mark it for their information. This means they’ll see the document without being prompted to process it.
- Check-Out Functionality
When multiple team members are working on a case, you want peace of mind that documents are being edited accurately and changes tracked effectively. If you use the check-out function in your Equinox IPMS, this will ensure the document can only be edited by the person who checked it out, until it’s checked in again. As another layer of protection, every version of a document your team has edited is saved in your Equinox IPMS, so you can revert to previous versions if needed.
- Dashboards & Reporting
Our Equinox IP Management Software offers several options to ensure easy visibility of unread or outstanding documents. A standard method is to check your notifications in the system. A popular option is to generate a report that gathers this information for you, which you can schedule to be emailed to you at regular intervals. Another possibility is to create a widget on your dashboard that pulls through any documents marked for your attention. This means you can see your outstanding work at a glance, without leaving your Equinox IPMS.
Ensuring your clients (or internal business units) can access the information they need helps you develop a trusted, professional relationship with them.
Our Client Access Portal is a hugely popular tool that lets clients securely and independently access information on their IP portfolios. Utilizing the extensive preference options, you can set up the portal view to show as much or as little information as you’d like. It can even vary from client to client!
When you allocate a case document for client access, or bulk unlock a selection of cases, they’re made accessible in the Client Access Portal. It’s also a handy space for them to securely upload and download reports and information as you continue to manage their IP assets for them.
The Client Access Portal is designed to enhance the client experience. While it may not remove the need for meetings and emails altogether, it can take a little pressure off your team by acting as a readily available self-service option for your clients.
Keeping your cases in line with official office updates is paramount, and we’ve been working hard to deliver powerful, easy-to-use solutions that simplify this task.
Our Equinox IP Management Software features numerous integrations with official offices. You can receive automatic updates from global PTOs, using our powerful data import and comparison tool, and add EPO and USPTO mailbox integration to receive European Patent Office (EPO) and US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) communications straight to your Equinox IPMS. These types of integrations have been hugely popular with our users.
Filled with carefully thought-out tools that help you stay organized, auto-save correspondence, work collaboratively, and improve the experience of all stakeholders, our Equinox IP Management Software could be the IPMS you’re waiting for.
Discover the possibilities by reading our article 'Connect, Integrate, Optimize: Three Trends Influencing Software for Intellectual Property', explore our suite of Equinox IP Management Software, or contact our Subject Matter Experts for dedicated support.