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Does your IP Management System Facilitate Copyright Management?
Copyright, the most romantic and dangerous of IP rights, can be challenging for IP professionals to record, track, and oversee, says Subject Matter Expert Elisa Mulas. She explores what makes copyright so difficult to manage globally and shares the new features implemented in our Equinox IP management software to provide a much-needed solution.
When we talk about copyright, we tend to think of artistic creations of music and literature, and automatically, our brains tend to romanticize the topic. But, like all forms of intellectual property (IP), copyright comes with its challenges and dangers, too.
Firstly, let’s review what a copyright is and why it is necessary to protect one's ideas.
What is Copyright?
A copyright is a legal right granted to the creator of an original work, such as a book, song, painting, or software. This right gives the creator exclusive control over how their work is used, including the right to reproduce, distribute, perform, display, or license the work.
As you can already see from the definition, we are all copyright users!
When we turn on the radio, watch a movie, read a book, or play a video game, all we are doing is using a work protected by copyright.
- Why is Copyright Management Challenging?
Copyright protection, as with all other forms of IP protection, evolves over time and can differ widely in legislation from country to country and continent to continent.
Simply looking at how various parts of the world describe copyright reveals some of the differences. For example, in the U.S. we talk strictly about “copyright,” whereas in Europe we talk about “authors' rights” or “creator's rights” (from the French droits d'auteur and German Urheberrecht).
One of the main differences between the two systems is that while European copyright law focuses directly on the author of the work in question, U.S. copyright law addresses exploitation rights and potential financial implications. In other words, in the European juridical sense, authors' rights are, in general, related to the absolute right of the author to their work (with no real need to apply for their protection); in the U.S., on the other hand, the copyright law addresses the common need to license the work to third parties.
- Challenges in Copyright Management: An Illustration
Mannion vs. Coors Brewing Company provides a good example of how difficult it is to protect copyrights (photography in this case), even if they have been registered at the relevant offices.
Photographer Jonathan Mannion had taken a photograph of basketball star Kevin Garnett for a magazine article, with the image depicting Garnett wearing athletic clothing and jewelry. He registered this photograph with the U.S. Copyright Office.
Through its advertising agency Carol H. Williams Advertising (CHWA), Coors Brewing Co used a similar photograph in a billboard advertisement for Coors Light beer. Mannion claimed that the photograph used in the advertisement was too similar to his original work and sued for copyright infringement. However, Mannion faced difficulties in proving his ownership of the photograph, as he lacked proper documentation and registration.
Mannion claimed that the Coors advertisement copied the distinctive elements of his photograph, including the pose, clothing, and overall composition. Coors and CHWA argued that Mannion was attempting to claim copyright over the idea of photographing a Black man in athletic clothing, which they contended was not protectable.
The court disagreed, finding that Mannion’s photograph was sufficiently original to be protected by copyright. In the process, Judge Lewis A. Kaplan established three criteria for determining the originality of photographs: rendition, timing, and composition.
The jury ultimately found in favor of Mannion, ruling that his copyright was valid and had been infringed by CHWA. Coors was found liable on a vicarious infringement theory and Mannion was awarded actual damages of US$30,000.

Evidence Matters: The Role of IP Management Software
As can be seen from Mannion's experience, it is extremely difficult to manage a copyright portfolio, even if a right has been registered at a copyright office.
In copyright infringement cases, proving ownership of a valid copyright is crucial, so it’s vital to have access to information and history for each individual case. If a party is unable to retrieve evidence to prove ownership, it can significantly weaken their case.
How can IP professionals keep all documentation related to each single copyright in order?
- Can Your IPMS Help Control the Data?
In an ideal world, your IP management system (IPMS) should be able to save copyrights separately, enabling you to save documents and additional information related to the copyright matter. Given that one of the most critical issues in copyright is the need to comply with various national and international copyright laws, your IPMS should also be able to keep track of all legal activities and deadlines related to the individual copyright.
- How Our Equinox IPMS Can Help
Questel understands the unique needs of copyright owners, which is why we have implemented a series of features and rules for copyright management in our Equinox IP management software.
Using our Equinox IPMS, you can save each copyright as a single matter. Need an extra field? No problem, in Equinox, you can add any field as required.
As we like to say: if you can save a piece of data in Equinox, you can also create reports and charts on that data.
Being able to graphically display the progress of your copyright portfolio in this way will also make it easier for you to keep the single property rights under close control.
Of course, all the corresponding documents and correspondence can be saved and sorted in folders under the document tab. There is no limit on the number of documents and the format you can save and, with the preview functionality facilitating navigation through those documents, there is no need for downloads!
Effective copyright management requires a robust system to track the different deadlines.
That’s why there is no limit to the number of alerts and reminders that can be created in our Equinox IPMS by the end user. These reminders can be further customized by attaching an email template that can be sent directly from the system. This, in addition to automating the work and reducing the risk of human error, also allows correspondence related to the specific copyright to be saved directly to Equinox.
Alongside the IP Portal, where some docketing laws are already at your disposal with a click, our Equinox IPMS is extremely flexible in terms of creating custom deadlines and tasks.
Supporting Copyright Management Best Practices
Could our Equinox IP management software be the solution you need to problems arising from copyright management? Find out more about our full suite of Equinox tools and how they can support your IP portfolio and copyright management needs by contacting our subject matter experts today.
At Questel, we are always happy to receive feedback from IP professionals and provide more information about our software and services. Contact us today to discover our end-to-end solutions for everything related to the life and development of IP rights, including our latest tool for copyright management.