IP ポートフォリオの検索や高度なクエリーを実行することは、多くのOrbit アセット ユーザーにとって必須です。 We’ve been listening to feedback and working with users to define several improvements to take portfolio queries to the next level. The updated advanced search includes several operator options: contains, is not, is empty as well as new fields.
Some examples of how these new options can be used below:
Expanded contact search options:
- - Search for assets assigned to a specific case manager
- - Search for assets from inventors with a specific contact tag
- - Search for assets being managed by a certain inhouse attorney
Search for empty values such as:
- Asset without listed inventors
- Assets without a publication date
- Assets where a certain tag is still empty
- Assets that do not have a specific tag value
- Families that do not contain a US member
You will find all these options and more in the advanced search menu. To access the search just click in the search bar in the portfolio tab.