IWenn Sie bei der Erstellung eines Kostenvoranschlags auf Probleme stoßen, können Sie sich jetzt direkt über das Portal an unser Client Solutions Team wenden. This can include missing information such as a rate, word count or similar. We will quickly address your request, fill out the missing pieces, and email the new estimate back to you.
To use this feature, create an estimate as usual and fill out any information you have. On the final Estimated Costs page, click the Request Estimate Assistance button in the lower left corner.
A popup dialog will appear, giving you an option to enter notes for our team and/or attach any documents that may help us with estimate creation. For example, you may want to attach amended claims, to make sure we estimate the claim count correctly. You can also attach PDF files here, if no Word version is available. This way if no automatic word count is generated, and you have no way of easily extracting the word count from the PDF, we can help with that.
You can always click Cancel inside this dialog, if you do not wish to wait for a new estimate to be delivered, and prefer to approximate the missing data and proceed.
Wenn Sie auf die Schaltfläche Anfordern klicken, wird eine E-Mail an unser Team gesendet und Sie erhalten eine Kopie. Ein neuer Kostenvoranschlag wird Ihnen dann innerhalb weniger Stunden per E-Mail zugeschickt.