Orbit Vermögen sammelt viele Arten von Kontakten, z. B. Fallmanager, Erfinder, Korrespondenzagenten und alle anderen Beteiligten, die an der Verwaltung Ihres Portfolios beteiligt sind.
In order to better organize all the contacts involved in your assets, we have created a new tab called "Kontakt". It is directly accessible on your patent, trademark, design, contract and "other" type assets.
Quickly find the people who are involved in a particular asset such as:
- Case manager
- In-house attorney
- Inventors
- Corresponding agents
- Other contacts
In the near future (July 2022), this interface could restrict access to some people on particular assets. You will be able to authorize access to inventions only to their inventors or allow your agents to access only the portion of the portfolio they manage.