Das japanische Amt für geistiges Eigentum stellt spezifische Datumien für Patente, Marken und Geschmacksmuster zur Verfügung. Wir stellen Ihnen ein Importmodul vor, mit dem Sie die Daten aus diesen Dateien extrahieren können.
Once the preference is activated, you will find the import option on WO and JP patents, trademarks and designs in the three-dot button:

Once the documents loaded, the system will extract the data to be saved:
Events and tasks
- Task name
- Description name
- Due date
- Task status
Documents related to the asset
- Patent or design drawings
- Trademark images
- Publications
Data specific to the asset:
- Title / mark name
- Abstract
- Patent and trademark numbers and dates
- Inventors and owners
- Claims or Nice classes
You will get a preview:

By confirming the last step, the data and documents will be saved. A summary allows you to see all the changes made to the asset.