Questel patent value indexes
We have added a number of new indexes to the saved analysis which are designed to help you answer key analysis questions: - Who has best patent portfolio in this technical area? - What are the best patents in this technical area? - Whose patents have had the most impact on this technical area? - Which patent portfolio has the widest geographic / market coverage?
Platinum analysis users will see these new indexes in the settings menu once they have saved their analysis:
Portfolio value (Beta)
- The sum of all the patent value scores for all patents in the analyzed portfolio.
Patent value (Beta)
- Score based on the number of forward citations and the GDP of the countries where the analyzed patent families are granted or pending.
Technology impact (Beta)
- Score based on the number of forward citations received by the analyzed patent families. Corrected to account for age and technical domain.
Market coverage (Beta)
- Score based on the GDP of the countries where the analyzed patent families are granted or pending.
The portfolio containing the most patent families is not always the best. In this example, company 3 has a smaller portfolio but a far better value than company 2.
Quickly identify key patents within a landscape.