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Corporate Social Responsibility
We strive to create sustainable value for all Questel stakeholders and we understand that our duties as an Intellectual Property and Innovation solutions provider come with vast responsibilities: toward the economy and society, as an employer, and for our environment.

To meet environmental, societal, and ethical challenges, Questel is committed to undertaking a CSR approach.

Our anti-corruption policy aims to assist and help staff understand and apply Questel’s anti-corruption policy and integrity guidelines.

Our Whistleblower policy establishes a framework for the reporting, handling, and investigation of concerns related to potential wrongdoing within the Questel Group.

3 pillars:
- Leverage innovation partnerships with suppliers
- Increase competitiveness
- Contribute to local development

Our principles: we have chosen to operate with honesty, responsibility, fairness, respect, transparency and citizenship.

Questel Translations works with more than 1,300 translators and applies ethical, diversity and non-discrimination standards to its sourcing methodology.
Questel is working on its low-carbon strategy and is in the process of carrying out, for the first time, its carbon footprint with Sweep
We have realized the 2022 carbon footprint,
scope 1, 2 and 3 of Questel SAS. It respects the requirements of the GHG Protocol.

The 2022 carbon footprint, scope 1, 2 and 3 of Questel Group respects the requirements of the GHG Protocol.

CSR In progress
CSR news
CSR A continuous projects
CSR Evolution
CSR Evolution
CSR Development
CSR Key Trait
The aim of the committee is to help all our stakeholders understand the 3 aspect of Questel’s plan:
All shareholders, as well as independent members, are committed to working with us to achieve our goals.

Questel’s management of the social, environmental, and economic effects of its operations are based upon this strategy.
Focus on diversity and broader equal opportunity with implementation in CSR 5- year plan.
Thanks to the support of our investors, Questel is on target to establishing a sustainable approach for achieving this plan.

Raise evaluates and analyzes the evolution of Questel’s CSR strategy based upon annual financial reports. The quantitative and qualitative data provided by Questel to the “Reporting 21” platform enables it to identify the level of challenge and maturity of the company based upon the 16 objectives of the matrix.
Thanks to feedback from Raise, Questel has been successful in improving its CSR approach every year!